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General Dentistry

General Dentistry

The first area of dental treatment is general dentistry. This area of dentistry is focused on ensuring that you have good oral hygiene and dental health. General Dentistry ensures that you do not have any issues such as cavities or gum disease. It covers a wide range of treatments and takes a look at your overall dental health and needs. General dentistry also use restorative procedures to repair the effects of tooth decay, trauma, defect or disease in different areas of the mouth.

General dentistry focuses on treatments that are necessary for long-term dental health. A lot of people visit a dentist when they’re in pain. Or perhaps when they are looking for a radical change, often aesthetic. Before you can even opt for a radical change, it is essential that your dental health is in good condition. Regular check-ups are one of the best forms of preventative dental care.

At Dr. Aaditya’s Advance Dental Hospital, we provide each patient with a treatment plan based on the results of your routine exam. Your personal treatment plan is a road map to your dental health. It lists any details of treatments required.

What are the advantages of General Dentistry?

Good oral health lays the foundation for better overall health, reducing your risks for developing heart disease and diabetes. Biannual checkups and cleanings from your family dentist

Common General Dentistry Procedures

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